Relationship Books


Whether you feel like your relationship is stuck, or you believe there may be ways to improve an already healthy relationship, relationship books are an excellent resource that can provide insight and advice for how to navigate different relationship complexities and problems. Relationship books tend to be more general than in-person therapy sessions, but are able to provide really good advice and anecdotes for common relationship problems. And while every couple has different struggles, a lot of our problems are fairly universal and can be improved with the help of relationship books for couples.

~ The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work ~

Great practical book with an overall philosophy which is always turning toward your partner and genuinely fostering friendship with them. Helpful principles like positive sentiment override, soft start ups, listen to your partner's bids, be attuned to attempts at repair, spark fondness and admiration and developing a family microculture with the cohesion of traditions. Avoid living parallel lives as roommates who simply share work in the home. And recognize and minimize the four horsemen of marriage: criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling. This book is mostly for heteronormative couples but I do think all people, even those that are single and considering marriage, could benefit from this book.

“Every positive thing you do in your relationship is foreplay”. John Gottman.

~ The Marriage Clinic ~

This book not only provides a rich understanding of the importance of what atmosphere is necessary for a successful marriage, it also provides many practical assessment tools and interventions to aid in the process. This is a must have for any marriage counselor.

“Can 30 seconds make a huge difference in the ultimate fate of a couple? Thirty seconds of positivity a day amounts to about 100 positive words a day; multiplied by 365 days a year, this comes to 36,500 words - enough to fill a book of poetry”. John Gottman.


The Marital Poop Detector, by John Gottman


The 5 Love Languages of Road-tripping @ Miami>Asheville