The Marital Poop Detector, by John Gottman


“The Marital Poop Detector” by John Gottman, is an early warning system that tells members of the couple when things are not quite right.

A Marital Poop Detector is a useful tool to have in relationships because it allows each member of the couple to avoid perpetual problems. Once the “poop” is detected, problems can be addressed in an appropriate manner.

Questions to assess “Marital Poop Detector”: 

It is recommended to check these statements weekly. If you check more than four, plan to discuss these issues with your partner sometime within the next three days.

·      I have been acting irritable lately.

·      I have been feeling emotionally distant.

·      There has been a lot of tension between us.

·      I find myself wanting to be somewhere else.

·      I have been feeling lonely.

·      My partner has seemed emotionally unavailable to me.

·      I have been angry.

·      We have been out of touch with each other.

·      My partner has little idea of what I am thinking.

·      We have been under a great deal of stress, and it has taken its toll on us.

·      I wish we were closer right now.

·      I have wanted to be alone a lot.

·      My partner has been acting irritable.

·      My partner has been acting emotionally distant.

·      My partner’s attention seems to be somewhere else.

·      I have been emotionally unavailable to my partner.

·      My partner has been angry.

·      I have little idea of what my partner is thinking.


The Magic Five Hour Week, by John Gottman


Relationship Books