Maintaining Balance


“The two persons, longing, as all individuals do, to overcome the separateness and isolation to which we all are heir as individuals, can participate in a relationship that, for the moment, is not made up of two isolated, individual experiences, but a genuine union.”

Imagine that you see a tree and there is a mountain in the background but you choose to just look at the tree. Now imagine that you focus your gaze on the mountain and not on the tree, seeing only the mountain; Same scenario but your voluntary perception is selected, which figure will be the main one. "I can't look at one thing without refusing to look at another." Saying "yes" means saying "no" to something else.

The positive cannot be born until the negative is present. The negative comes, always loaded with unconscious hope, and produces the positive. That is, • love-hate, life-death, yes-no •.

The opposite of love is apathy. Apathy is accompanied by; I don't want to feel, I don't care. Producing torture in another at least proves that you have an impact on someone, which generates “experience”. Then we anesthetize our feelings and use sex as a technique to demonstrate identity and power. Sex ends up being a technique against repression. It helps to release adrenaline, energy, and emotions but above all it is a defender of the pleasure principle; (tension vs release). This nurtures the ego which feeds the self identity, which ends up producing involuntary apathy.

All emotions, even if they sound contrary, have a meaning. Thanatos, the death instinct is constantly fighting with Eros, the life instinct. Maintaining a balance, eros vs thanatos, is the necessary balance. The human being is in constant search of nurturing the personality. You will find any involuntary defense mechanism to achieve a positive movement in the mind; be it apathy, indifference, or abandonment. Which in one way or another, continues in search of Eros; "It made me feel alive".


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