The Fun Scale of Adventure @Great Smoky Mt


“I cannot face with comfort the idea of life without work; work and the free play of the imagination are for me the same thing”

-Sigmund Freud.

It is my second day backpacking Great Smoky Mountain when it starts to downfall. My food, backpack, shoes, clothes, all soaked in water. I do not have a rain jacket, extra shoes or where to shelter because when you are in nature you are simply embedded in the environment. I remember I was suffering, what have I gotten myself into? At the time I had no clue. I thought fun was standardized, you are either having it or not.

I am hiking with four other girls I just met. I certainly can’t complain about the situation. Either I fight or I flight. We still have a night left and have to finish the miles for the day. I start thinking about the million reasons why I should not be here. Oh, I forgot to mention, it is my 26th birthday. What a great way to spend my day! Nevertheless, somewhere in the middle of these mixed feelings I feel more alive than ever.

We stop to take a break when one of the backpackers introduces “The Fun Scale”. Either you are Type I fun, Type II fun, or you do not want to be Type III fun.


Type I Fun – Fun is Fun

Simply fun, you are having a blast! Eating at a good restaurant, dancing, watching Netflix, skinny-dipping. The moments are great here and there but they do not make a lasting impact.

 “What is so familiar you do not even see it because it is so familiar”

Type II Fun – Enjoyment in Retrospect

You are being pushed out of your comfort zone, probably not having fun, and it just does not make sense when you are doing it. It begins with the best intentions, for example, hiking, backpacking, running a marathon or any activity where the reward will be felt afterwards.

 “To victory over the wilderness, which is more interesting than that over man”. Undaunted Courage.

Type III Fun – Not Fun at All

Turns out it is fun but not the fun you are looking to have. Injuries, broken relationships, sleeping out in the wild without a tent. All joy is removed and tension is high. Your survival is in question. Well, just try to plan ahead so you will never have to face type III fun : )

 “Sometimes, sometimes if you respect something, you just have to leave it alone”


The survival mode is on and I am trying to understand my current situation. Something in me starts to think that the rain is a miracle. I am finally getting a shower! Turns out I am having fun. It was type II fun I just did not know it.

From the pleasure principle introduced by Sigmund Freud (1920), it is raised the idea that for tension to be released an unbalance needs to happen.

"The starting point is that to feel good, you first have to feel bad"

The same contrast effect that produces tension / suffering / pain also produces a feeling of relief, called “pleasure”. Exercise, orgasms, appetite, thirst, defecation, dreams, are some examples. When this "tension" builds up, disturbance and discomfort is also experienced since the homeostasis (balance) of the human body is being disrupted.

 "It is a force that generates energy and activity, leading to the search for satisfaction"

These "energies" are the fundamental pieces to appreciate the desired goal. Tension is felt as a motivation to find pleasure. Discomfort is not a symptom of a problem, it is part of the solution! "If we pursue pleasure, we quickly realize that what generates pleasure is the seed of pain."

I learned that not all fun is created equal. In spite of all the things that did not go as planned, after a day, week, or month, I could not stop thinking about my experience. When do I get an opportunity to shower in the wild? We are all wet in our most natural form!

There are so many reasons to do things out of the ordinary. It gets me thinking of the importance of getting to know myself in different scenarios. Who does not like to have fun? I do! But I learned that I am having the most fun when unexpected things occur. The tension during backpacking experiences is so high that I do not feel the reward until months after. But that makes it even more desirable. So when you are in a situation where no joy is felt at the moment, just back up because the best is yet to come!

Looking to learn more about the Pleasure Principle?

I backpacked with @awalkinthewoods_smokies. Click the image for more information!


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