Hiking as a Metaphor for Life @The Enchantments

Colchuck Lake via Stuart Lake; 8:27am.

Colchuck Lake via Stuart Lake; 8:27am.

And sometimes, trail magic just happens. It is not structured or planned, it happens naturally. A moment of extreme beauty, souls met along the way, a feeling of connectedness, remarkable wildlife, unexpected climate change; these are serendipitous moments or almost mystical happenings.

“Sometimes the magic is planned but anonymous- like the time when it started snowing. “Trail Magic”, I am fully immersed in surprises” 

Each trail is different. Each trail is unique. Each trail offers a viewpoint. I look for different reviews, photos and comments from hikers. As the name suggests, “The Enchantments” got their name for a reason. Right away I am devoted to hike this trail; perhaps, 20 miles thru day hike - +7,800 ft elevation sounds new and exciting.

The Enchantments is one of the most magnificent places to visit; an alpine paradise surrounded by golden larches, crystal lakes, mountain peaks and meadows. Located 20-minutes from Leavenworth, WA, the trail can be thru-hiked in a day or backpacked.


“Hike your own hike”; meaning, I can hike in any direction I want. I am hiking and I start learning what works for me. It is twofold: both a state of mind and state of being. I remember that this is my journey, my hike and my path.

It is no surprise that everyone starts hiking their hike. I see people smiling, others seem a bit stressed. We all get to the same place along different paths. I quickly start thinking about my thru hike as a life metaphor; perhaps, everyone’s unfolding is different though the outcome ends up being the same.

Everyone has a plan of action for moving forward into the future. When those plans make an unexpected turn, frustration, failure, helplessness, anger are felt. When the focus is on waiting for something to happen, the here and now gets blocked. Human beings are driven by uncertainty, what will happen? And that motivation is necessary for self development.

Aasgard Pass; 2 miles up.

Aasgard Pass; 2 miles up.

A person tends to prefer stability, comfort and routine and avoid everything that has to do with change and growth. We like what we already know! Life is not about going in a straight line; it is about crashing, deviating, growing and encountering obstacles that make us evolve as a person. Mental schemas obscure the flexibility to understand that things will not always turn out as planned. A soul needs daily change to survive!

“The Flow of Desire”; what has to happen, will happen!

I sit down for bit and start looking at my surroundings; I am so taken up by the hike that I forget to look around. “Just Being Here”, crosses my mind. Stop, stare and listen, I will get there. And this ride is tied to a concept and identification of my life as a journey.


The Enchantments
20mile thru day hike
Start 5:15am
End 8:15pm
15 hours
7800 ft max




Fearing The Unknown


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